Your body releases a slew of hormones, neurotransmitters and steroids
during and after. From oxytocin in the pituitary-adrenal-testicular
axis to DHEA in the androgen hormones, the body produces and releases
hormones and steroids to maintain an [], power your drive and
relax your muscles. After, the muscles in your body experience wear
and tear. To combat the damage, the body releases prostaglandin E2, an
anti-inflammatory hormone designed to relax the muscles. Each time you engage, the body releases the chemical. When you
experience high levels of prostaglandin E2 and low levels of necessary
neurochemicals, the body experiences the opposite effect: inflammation.
Similar to giving a plant too much water, the body with too much
prostaglandin E2 proves harmful. The elevation of prostaglandin E2
causes cellular damage in brain cells and parasympathetic nerves.
Meanwhile, low levels of dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA,
mixed with low levels of DHT, leads to sexual dysfunctions, including
loss in pleasure, weak erectile capacity, reduced blood flow to the
penis and back pains.